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The Significance of Pre-Surgical and Post-Surgical Exercise Therapy in Oral Cancer Treatment


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Intraoral Scar Tissue Release 


1 - 45 minute session


Oral cancer poses numerous challenges for those affected, impacting essential functions such as eating, speaking, and performing daily activities involving the mouth.


By focusing on pre-surgical exercises to establish proper muscle mechanics and function, and post-surgical orofacial myofunctional therapy to aid recovery, we can enhance outcomes and improve the quality of life for patients.


Pre-Surgical Exercise Therapy: Pre-surgical exercise therapy plays a vital role in addressing the challenges faced by individuals with oral cancer. By engaging in targeted exercises before surgery, patients can overcome difficulties associated with eating, speaking, and daily functions involving the mouth. Some key benefits include:


  1. Establishing Proper Muscle Mechanics: Pre-surgical exercises aim to establish proper muscle function in the face and tongue. This helps reduce the risk of complications during surgery and improves postoperative outcomes.


  2. Enhancing Functionality: By strengthening muscles and improving range of motion, pre-surgical exercises can enhance functionality in the mouth, making it easier for individuals to eat, speak, and perform daily activities.


Post-Surgical Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy: After surgery, orofacial myofunctional therapy plays a crucial role in aiding recovery and optimizing outcomes. This therapy focuses on exercises and techniques that promote healing, reduce inflammation, and improve jaw function. Some key aspects include:


  1. Exercises for Jaw Mobility: Specific exercises targeting jaw mobility help restore proper function and alleviate pain. These may include gentle opening and closing of the mouth, side-to-side movements, and tongue exercises.


  2. Swallowing and Speech Exercises: Orofacial myofunctional therapy + manual therapy and working alongside an SLP also includes exercises to improve swallowing and speech functions. These exercises help individuals regain control and coordination of the muscles involved in these activities.


Following a consistent exercise regime and tracking progress are vital components of post-surgical recovery. By monitoring improvements and setting achievable goals, individuals can stay motivated and witness their progress firsthand. It is important to work closely with a healthcare professional to develop a personalized exercise plan tailored to individual needs and capabilities.


In addition to exercise therapy, individuals battling oral cancer may benefit from other supportive measures, such as nutritional counseling, speech therapy, and psychological support. These resources can further enhance the overall recovery process and provide holistic care.


Pre-surgical and post-surgical exercise therapy plays a significant role in the treatment of oral cancer. By focusing on pre-surgical exercises to establish proper muscle mechanics and function, and post-surgical orofacial myofunctional therapy to aid recovery, individuals can overcome challenges, reduce complications, and improve their quality of life. It is crucial to work closely with a healthcare team to create an individualized exercise plan and incorporate additional supportive measures for comprehensive care. Through dedication and perseverance, individuals can regain functionality and embrace a better future after oral cancer treatment.


Note: This is intended for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice.

Integrative Orofacial Functional Medicine & Recovery

Integrative Orofacial Functional Medicine & Recovery

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